Weight loss blood test
Understand if you're not losing weight due to hormones, stress, diabetes, anaemia, or cholesterol.
Service Description
A Weight Loss Blood Test is designed to identify underlying medical conditions or imbalances that may hinder weight loss or cause unexplained weight changes. These tests assess hormones, nutrient levels, and metabolic factors essential for maintaining a healthy weight. 23 biomarkers Liver health - Bilirubin, ALP, ALT, GGT Cholesterol status - Total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, Non HDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, Total cholesterol: HDL Iron status - Iron, TIBC, Transferrin saturation, Ferritin Thyroid hormones - TSH, Free Thyroxine Adrenal hormones - Cortisol Diabetes - HbA1c Inflammation - CRP HS Vitamins - Vitamin D Hormones - FSH, Oestradiol, Testosterone Special instructions Take this test when any symptoms of short-term illness have settled. Take this test two to five days after the start of your period, ideally on day three. It can be taken any time if you do not have periods. Avoid fatty foods for eight hours before your test, you do not need to fast. Corticosteroid medication can affect this test, ask your doctor whether to stop before testing. Take your sample at least 24 hours after any vitamin or mineral supplements. Do not take biotin supplements for two days before this test, discuss this with your doctor if it is prescribed. Hormonal contraception can affect the results of this test. Taking a break from this and waiting for your periods to restart before your blood test will give more accurate results. If you take thyroxine, you can take your medication as usual, either before or after your blood test. However, if you take desiccated thyroid extract (DTE) or liothyronine, it's best to take it after you've collected your sample. Please let us know in your supporting information if you take amiodarone or lithium as these can affect your thyroid function results. Results - 4 days
Contact Details
Blackmill, Bridgend CF35 6DS, UK
01656 858461