Liver function blood test
Assess the health of your liver by measuring levels of enzymes, proteins, and substances in blood.
Service Description
A Liver Function Blood Test (LFT) assesses the health of your liver by measuring levels of enzymes, proteins, and substances in the blood that the liver produces or processes. It helps diagnose liver diseases, monitor liver health, and evaluate the effects of medications or other conditions on liver function. 7 biomarkers Liver health - Bilirubin - ALP - ALT - GGT Proteins - Total Protein - Albumin - Globulin Why it’s done - Diagnose Liver Diseases: Such as hepatitis, fatty liver disease, or cirrhosis. - Monitor Chronic Liver Conditions: To check for progression or response to treatment. - Detect Bile Duct Obstruction: Associated with gallstones or tumors. - Evaluate Side Effects of Medications: Some drugs can affect liver health. - Assess Symptoms: Like jaundice, abdominal pain, dark urine, or fatigue. Results - 2 days
Contact Details
Blackmill, Bridgend CF35 6DS, UK
01656 858461