Kidney function blood test
Evaluates how well your kidneys are working by measuring key substances in your blood.
Service Description
A Kidney Function Blood Test evaluates how well your kidneys are working by measuring key substances in your blood. The kidneys are responsible for filtering waste products and excess fluids from the blood, and these tests help assess their efficiency. 4 biomarkers measured - Urea - Creatinine - eGFR - Sodium Why it’s done - Detect Kidney Disease: Early stages of kidney disease often show no symptoms. - Monitor Chronic Conditions: Such as diabetes, hypertension, or heart disease, which can damage the kidneys. - Assess Medication Impact: Certain drugs (e.g., NSAIDs) can harm kidneys. Evaluate Symptoms: Like swelling, fatigue, or changes in urination. Special instructions Avoid heavy exercise for 48 hours beforehand. Stay well hydrated before your test. Results - 2 days
Contact Details
Blackmill, Bridgend CF35 6DS, UK
01656 858461