Active B12, Folate Ferritin blood test
Assess key nutrients essential for red blood cell production, energy, and overall health.
Service Description
These blood tests assess key nutrients essential for red blood cell production, energy, and overall health. Each test has a specific purpose but is often ordered together when investigating symptoms like fatigue, weakness, or anemia. 3 biomarkers Iron status - Ferritin Vitamins - Folate - Serum, Vitamin B12 Active Why it's done: - Diagnose B12 deficiency earlier. - Investigate symptoms like fatigue, numbness, or memory issues. - Diagnose macrocytic anemia. - Evaluate low energy, irritability, or neural tube defects in pregnancy. - Diagnose iron deficiency anemia or iron overload conditions (e.g., hemochromatosis). - Evaluate symptoms like fatigue, pallor, or hair loss. Special instructions Take this test when any symptoms of short-term illness have settled. Take your sample at least 24 hours after any vitamin or mineral supplements. Do not take biotin supplements for two days before this test, discuss this with your doctor if it is prescribed. Do not take vitamin B12 for two weeks prior to this test. If your B12 is prescribed ask your doctor whether to stop. Results - 4 days
Contact Details
Blackmill, Bridgend CF35 6DS, UK
01656 858461